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What is EP?

Exercise Physiology is geared towards folk experiencing chronic pain, injuries or conditions.

You may consider it as exercise with a difference - working from the principle and practice of using exercise as medicine. Applied clinically, exercise has been proven to increase quality of life, speed up recovery and successfully prevent, treat and improve a range of health-related problems and conditions.

Watch the 5 minute video to meet EP Katarina and learn more about Exercise Physiology:


What's involved in an Initial & Subsequent session?

Your EP will take you through an Initial Consultation, involving a thorough chat getting to know you, inviting you to share about your medical history, medications and lifestyle. They'll ask you about things such as any sports you may have played as a kid, what pain and/or injuries you have, and if you’re currently exercising. You’ll also be asked to discuss anything else relevant to your movement and considerations for designing an exercise program. Most often the initial can be predominantly data-collecting - gathering information to establish a very clear baseline, arming the EP with a thorough understanding of your unique body and situation to guide their programming and sessions with you going forward. Occasionally for some clients it may be appropriate to take them through some simple movements in our private studio to get to know how your body moves and determine what to include in your program. We recommend wearing loose clothing you're comfortable just in case you do explore some movement, but it is highly unlikely that you will be doing any actual ‘exercising’ so no need to pack the lycra!

Your second 'Follow-up' Session moves on from here - and this is the time when you are encouraged to wear something comfy to move in. Your EP will have designed an initial program to start working with you. As you explore this, your EP will be communicating with you throughout, gently sharing knowledge and adapting the program where needed to suit you in the moment.

Initial Consultation $135 / Subsequent Session $110
*Price increase from 01/01/2025: Initial $145 / Subsequent $120

Medicare rebates 
*Medicare rebates of $58.50 (up to 5 per calendar year depending on the sessions allocated by your GP) may apply - please see your GP for a referral / EPC Health Care Plan. Haven can offer immediate on-the-spot Medicare rebates to eligible clients.

Private Health Fund claims
Some health funds also cover rebates -  please see your health fund.

To claim, the client pays the full fee through Haven and will receive a receipt from Haven with the appropriate details depending on information required and clients can then lodge the reimbursement claim through Medicare / their health fund. Please reach out with any questions. 

**GP referrals and Allied Health communications may be addressed to

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