Q+A 3 with Rachel Roberts - HAES, Fat-positive, Trauma-Informed Counsellor
Our Haven (www.havenwellness.com.au) members have been sharing their pressing questions and concerns so I've pulled together a bunch of our favourite local health professionals who are non-diet/HAES-aligned to share their thoughts and support from their professional and lived experiences.
“I have recently learned that I have a health condition that could lead to problems such as diabetes or heart disease if not dealt with, but the only preventative treatment for me is to lose weight. How can I go about this in a way that is not damaging to my mental health?"
I love chatting with the lovely Rachel Roberts from Make Space Counselling. Rachel is a dear Haven friend and colleague, and offers a person-centered, collaborative counselling practice with a trauma informed, social justice focus. She works with the principles of Intuitive Eating and Health At Every Size® (HAES®), and is currently training in Cohort 8 of Be Nourished’s Body Trust Provider® certification.
This was a wonderful, detailed, thoughtful conversation. A lot of professional names in the HAES and non-diet space came up - check them out here:
HAES GP - Dr Portia Predney
Recommended local (Sydney) dietitians:
Susan Williams - https://www.zestnutrition.com.au/
Fumi, Carlia, Kimberlee & crew - https://www.welcometowellbeing.com.au/
Emma Robertson - http://liberationnutrition.com.au/
Recommended local (Sydney) psychologists and counsellors:
Rachel herself - https://makespacecounselling.com/
Our Q+A buddy Liz - https://lifeunfiltered.coach/
Sarah McMahon + crew (https://bodymatters.com.au)
Louise (https://untrapped.com.au/) and Drajenka - https://www.treatyourselfwell.com.au/
Olivia and crew - https://shapeyourmind.com.au/about-us/who-we-are/
Weight-neutral diabetes care:
Article - The Bizarre and Racist History of the BMI
Hope you guys find as much value in this as I did!
You can learn more about Rachel and her work through her beautiful website here:
**Please note that the information provided in or through our talks is for educational and informational purposes only and are never meant to replace individualised professional advice. We highly encourage you to work with your own professionals for personalised advice.